
AVSGF UK Raise Awareness at Labour Party Conference in Liverpool 2024

Representatives of the Asbestos Victims Support Group Forum UK joined forces to raise awareness of issues and campaigns. Jodie Bull and Louise Barringer Chaffe from London Asbestos Support Awareness Group joined John Flannagan and Derek Maylor of Merseyside Asbestos Victims Support Group at the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool in September 2024.

They attended the conference to represent Asbestos Groups in the UK and as a voice for victims of those who have been affected by asbestos exposure throughout the UK as part of the Asbestos Victims Support Groups’ Forum UK.

They had lots of interaction with attendees which consisted of raising awareness of asbestos in the UK, discussing DWP issues and gaining further support for the Cape Must Pay campaign. We had visits from MPS to show support including Stephen Timms MP, Kim Johnson MP and Ian Byrne MP.

If you would like to join our campaign please contact us at, alternatively please complete the letter and send it back to us. Letter to Cape – Labour Party Conf